Prescription Drugs
Access to affordable prescription drugs is essential to quality care. Their impact on state budgets is also a consideration for all programs.

Breaking the Bottleneck: Modernizing Medicaid Drug Access in the Million Dollar Therapy Era
NAMD Comments on Proposed Rule that Would Require Medicaid Coverage of Anti-Obesity Medications
In December 2024, CMS issued a proposed rule that would require Medicaid to cover anti-obesity medications.
NAMD Comments on Senate Finance Committee’s Generic Drug Legislation
The legislation would exclude most generic drugs from the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program's inflationary rebates.
NAMD Submits Comments on Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Proposed Rule
On July 25, NAMD submitted comments on CMS's proposed rule on the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP).
Prescription Drug Spending: What’s Coming Next for Medicaid and How Can States Prepare?
Experts at the NAMD Fall Conference discussed challenges with high-cost drugs.
NAMD Comments on Medicare’s Proposed Coverage Determination for Alzheimer’s Drug
On February 9, 2022, NAMD submitted comments on Medicare’s proposed National Coverage Determination (NCD) of Coverage with Evidence...
NAMD Urges CMS to Mitigate State Costs on Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug
In formal comments, NAMD calls on Medicare to step up and cover the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm. Failure to...