Delivery System and Payment Reform
Social Determinants of Health
The conditions in the places where people live, work, learn and play have a clear impact on the health outcomes they experience as they move through life. Medicaid programs approach these realities in different ways.

Data points to bookmark to broaden and deepen your view of the Medicaid program and its impact
CMCS Director Dan Tsai Outlines Policy Priorities in Health Affairs Interview
Read NAMD's summary of CMCS Director Dan Tsai's Policy Spotlight with Health Affairs.
NAMD Highlights Opportunities to Address Social Determinants of Health in Response to Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus Request
On September 21, 2021, NAMD sent a letter to the Congressional Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Caucus outlining...
NAMD Requests the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Revisit their Section 1115 Waiver Rebasing Policies
On June 28, 2021, NAMD sent a letter to Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure requesting that the Centers for Medicare...
NAMD Submits Letter in Response to Health System Resiliency Request for Information
On July 8, NAMD submitted comments in response to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Request...
NAMD Envisions Stronger Role for State Perspectives in Future CMMI Model Designs
In November 2017, NAMD responded to a Request for Information identifying new directions for the Center for Medicare...