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Find job opportunities at NAMD and in Medicaid offices across all U.S. states and territories as well as federal partners.



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California: Chief, Pharmacy Benefits Division - Career Executive Assignment Level B

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is looking for a talented and motivated individual to serve as the Chief, Pharmacy Benefits Division (PBD), Career Executive Assignment (CEA) Level B, within Health Care Benefits and Eligibility.

This position is eligible for telework from anywhere within California. The selected candidate must reside in California, will be assigned to a DHCS office closest to their residence, and will be required to report to their assigned DHCS office and other locations as needed.

The Chief, PBD, oversees the administration of the Medi-Cal Pharmacy and Vision Benefit programs and leads the development of pharmacy, vision care, and medical supply benefits.

The Chief, PBD, leads a multi-disciplinary team, with internal and external partners, to deliver pharmacy benefits to nearly 15 million Medi-Cal members—more than one-third of Californians.

Additionally, the Chief, PBD, provides policy direction for Medi-Cal Rx, the program that provides prescription drug coverage and related services to individuals enrolled in Medi-Cal, and is responsible for invoicing and collecting federal and state supplemental drug rebates.

The salary range for this position is $11,778 – $14,032 per month.

Possession of a valid pharmacist license is strongly desired but not required. A salary range of $15,735 – $17,017 per month is available for a licensed pharmacist.

To Apply:

Submit a completed application package that includes a State Application (STD 678) and responses to the supplemental application items that are listed on the CalCareers job posting by February 7, 2025.

Minnesota: Inspector General - Human Services Manager 5

Job Summary

*** Telework (Within Minnesota or neighboring states) and flexible hours options are available.***

The Inspector General (IG) is the senior official responsible for establishing a clear vision and sense of purpose to ensure the effective execution of investigations, evaluations, and compliance initiatives aimed at combating and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse in DHS-funded programs. The IG ensures that necessary enforcement and prosecution activities are undertaken.

As part of this duty, the IG oversees the following divisions: Background Studies; Licensing; Program Integrity Oversight; Chief Legal Counsel; Digital Services, Analytics, and Insights; and Enterprise Operations and Policy. The IG provides strategic services and leadership to the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, Chief of Staff, and Senior Management Team.

The IG also provides high-level direction to DHS partners at the state, county, federal, and tribal levels on the conduct of fraud investigations and any related enforcement or prosecution actions. Based on the results of fraud investigations, the IG makes recommendations to DHS Assistant Commissioners on additional controls and program policy changes needed to reduce or prevent schemes to illegally appropriate agency funds.

To learn more and to apply click here.

Minnesota: Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Medicaid Coverage and Service Delivery

The position serves as the Health Care Administration (HCA) Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Medicaid Coverage and Service Delivery.  Focused on the development of purchasing strategies through managed care organizations and fee for service providers, while leading ongoing communication and analysis of social conditions that impact consumer health to improve access to equitable care. The position exists to provide executive leadership, managerial oversight, support, and strategic direction on behalf of and in conjunction with Health Care Administration’s Assistant Commissioner (AC)/State Medicaid Director, the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Medicaid Eligibility and Compliance, to HCA senior leadership team, managers, supervisors and staff. This position leads to initiate and implement operational solutions for the Health Care Administration and integrate activities associated with HCA management; including cross-administration planning and program coordination to ensure work aligns across HCA’s divisions.

To learn more and apply click here.

Oregon: Medicaid Chief of Staff (Operations & Policy Analyst 4)

Job Description:

Do you have experience shaping policies and programs at the community, state, and/or national level? Are you passionate about applying organizational and continuous improvement strategies to further the Medicaid program that promote equity and inclusion and reduce disparities at a systems level? We look forward to hearing from you!

What you will do!

The Medicaid Director’s office is responsible for the day to day operations of the Medicaid agency and leading high-profile projects that shape Medicaid policy and operations in Oregon. The Director’s office includes the Medicaid Director, Deputy Directors, Medicaid Chief of Staff, Medicaid Policy/Fee For Service Operations (FFS) Director, and Coordinated Care Operations (CCO) Director. Collectively, these leaders are responsible for strategic direction, health policy innovation, and coordinated operational and program implementation.

Learn More.

South Carolina: Data Architect (Chief Data & Analytics Officer)

Are you the One?  We are looking for a Data Architect (Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO)) who is responsible for the overall vision, strategy, and execution of the SCDHHS’s data and analytics initiatives. The CDAO is to optimize SCDHHS’s use of data and analytics by ensuring a broad understanding of the SCDHHS’s Data and Analytics approach and its importance, prioritizing Data and Analytics investments on obtaining the greatest business value and allowing SCDHHS to manage these investments at the enterprise level, enhancing data understanding, clarity, consistency, and quality across the enterprise and increasing data literacy and advanced analytics skills across the enterprise. This position reports to the Chief Information Officer (CIO)/Deputy Director for Systems and Technology.

Learn more.



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