Prescription Drugs
Access to affordable prescription drugs is essential to quality care. Their impact on state budgets is also a consideration for all programs.

On August 11, 2021, NAMD sent a letter to CMS asking that Medicare not shift the cost of...
Medicare Must Not Cost Shift Alzheimer’s Care to Medicaid
NAMD explains the serious cost implications of Medicare’s coverage decision on the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm for state Medicaid...
NAMD Submits Letter of Support for MACPAC’s Accelerated Approval Pathway Drug Rebate Proposal
On April 7, NAMD sent a letter to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) supporting...
NAMD Highlights Concerns with Proposed Pharmacy Value-Based Purchasing Rule
On July 20, 2020, NAMD submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on a proposed...
NAMD Asks for Medicaid to be Exempt from OIG Pharmacy Rebate Rule
NAMD requested that the Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General not move forward with including...
NAMD Warns Against Broadly Defining Pharmaceutical Value-Based Purchasing in Draft PAVE Act
NAMD wrote to Congress expressing concern with draft legislation that would broadly define pharmaceutical value-based purchasing in a...
NAMD Provides Thoughts on High-Cost Drugs to Senate Finance
In March 2016, NAMD responded to a Senate Finance Committee Request for Information on prescription drug costs and...
NAMD White Paper on Medicaid Alignment with 340B Drug Discount Program
In May 2015, NAMD issued a white paper on opportunities to better align and modernize the interactions between...