As federal policies acknowledge an end to the formally declared public health emergency, state programs will be at the forefront of shaping health care changes for millions of Americans.

How eligibility may look different in this bridging year
The flurry of Medicaid activity on eligibility is going to continue in the coming year, but it’s going...
NAMD Comments on CMS’s Interim Final Rule on the Medicaid Unwinding
On February 2, NAMD formally commented on CMS's recent Interim Final Rule on the national Medicaid redetermination process.
By any measure, 2023 has been an extraordinary year
NAMD takes a look at all we've accomplished together in 2023 and the opportunities to come.
Medicaid leaders gather to share unwinding lessons and gather insights
Continuous improvement is the goal for unprecedented effort
Strengthening access to care in Medicaid needs time and partnership
Medicaid programs aligned on goals, recognize challenges
Insight Survey on Unwinding Data
Check out what NAMD learned from states and territories about the size and scope of their outreach efforts.
Medicaid leaders need your continued partnership on unwinding
NAMD Executive Director Kate McEvoy urges deeper understanding of unwinding data and help from partners in outreach.