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Managed Care Strategies to Advance Health Equity

Massachusetts, Minnesota and North Carolina – joined the NAMD Fall Conference to offer these insights on impacting equity in tangible ways through Medicaid.

Many states are exploring how they can partner with their health plans to advance equity in both coverage and care. Three states – Massachusetts, Minnesota and North Carolina – joined the NAMD Fall Conference to offer these insights on impacting equity in tangible ways through Medicaid.

  • Look inward first: Your Medicaid team needs to reflect the communities you serve. You can’t tackle inequity without this critical element in place.
  • Members matter: Your Medicaid program needs the voice of members to inform its policy decisions. Their lived experience is valuable and will ensure the program serves the people it is trying to serve.
  • Goal setting is critical: Set meaningful goals and formal requirements for health plans around eliminating inequities is critical for moving the needle – specifically if your state has experience with risk-based managed care. “Don’t do mild” – hold the health plans accountable for executing equity contract requirements and moving the needle.
  • Stop simply identifying the problem: Inequities exist. They are well documented nationally. Find a way to break your team out of noting the problems and move them to a place of action.

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