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The secret sauce for protecting children from COVID-19

What are the keys for ensuring vaccine uptake and a healthier future for children?

The Federal Drug Administration and CDC recently opened the door for COVID vaccination for children ages 5 to 11. With this approval, 28 million children became eligible nationally including a significant number of children covered by Medicaid and CHIP. Now the work to vaccinate those children and protect them from the worst health impacts of COVID begins. What are the keys for ensuring vaccine uptake and a healthier future?

Equity, Transparency, Partnership

  • Equity: Closing the equity gap in vaccination rate among those who are Medicaid insured includes data and information sharing between state agencies allowing access gaps to be identified and targeted outreach to begin.
  • Transparency: Public dashboards can show where within Medicaid resources are needed. Data transparency makes disparities clear and inspires collaboration.
  • Partnership: Communication and data sharing are key engines to partnership. Reliable, useful and timely data allows targeted outreach plans and “microtargeted messaging” to prepare and execute vaccine roll out to children.

Key resources to meet equity, transparency and partnership

  • Messaging by audience and microtargeted for delivery where possible.
  • Messaging built to boost vaccine confidence and answer key questions.
  • Messaging focused on combatting misinformation and aggressively deployed.
  • Data sharing to help find populations struggling with access or other uptake issues. Creative solutions include hiring census staff and transforming Get Out the Vote efforts to “Get out the Vaxx” using geospatial collaboration.
  • Incentive plans to encourage vaccination and partner support including managed care organizations and school districts.

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