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Letter ·

NAMD Requests Congress Provide Additional COVID-19 Resources to States and Providers

On April 13, 2020, NAMD sent a letter to Congressional leaders requesting quick action to address the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on state Medicaid agencies and providers.

State Medicaid programs and providers have served as a crucial connection to healthcare for millions of Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although previous Congressional actions have provided important fiscal resources to Medicaid, more significant action must be taken to ensure that Medicaid programs and providers can continue operating throughout the pandemic. NAMD sent a letter to Congressional leaders outlining recommendations to ensure the fiscal stability of Medicaid, including providing additional enhancements of the federal match, allowing retainer payments for all Medicaid provider types, issuing a two-year moratorium on the Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule, and delaying federal match penalties related to electronic visit verification.

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