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Issue Brief ·

The End of Pandemic-Era Flexibilities in Medicaid Home and Community-based Services: What Agency Leaders Need to Know

This resource is designed to help Medicaid agency leaders, as well as their colleagues in aging & disability agencies, prepare for the end of federal flexibilities that Medicaid adopted to support older adults and individuals with disabilities during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

This brief outlines specific individual Medicaid disaster relief authorities that states may have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including their  effective dates and termination dates. It includes details about:

  • State Specific 1135 Waivers;
  • 1135 Blanket Waivers;
  • Appendix K for 1915(c) Waivers;
  • Attachment K for Section 1115 Waivers;
  • Medicaid Disaster Relief State Plan Amendments (SPAs) for the COVID-19 PHE; and
  • 1115 Waivers.

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