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Issue Brief, Podcast, Video ·

Enlisting Others to Achieve Goals

This Quick Take explores how Medicaid leaders can use influence to enlist others so that goals can be more effectively met. Accessible in audio/video formats with accompanying tip sheet.

At a basic level, leadership simply means working effectively through others. This includes enlisting direct reports and matrixed teams, in office and virtually, and within and outside of job descriptions.

In this Quick Takes NAMD speaks with leadership development expert, Ed O’Neil, about best practices for enlisting others to achieve goals, including a list of tactics to avoid.

Enlisting Others to Achieve Goals – article here

You can listen to the discussion on Enlisting Others to Achieve Goals article with Ed here, or watch the video below.

Visit Quick Takes for more podcasts, or look for this and other NAMD podcast series on iTunes, or wherever you download your podcasts.


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