Podcast ·
Navigating Medicaid: Insights from a Parent Advocate
Episode 4 of Season 5 of the Medicaid Leadership Exchange features insight from a parent advocate.

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Related Resources
Medicaid Leadership Exchange Podcast Series
Achieving Better Outcomes for Priority Populations in Medicaid
The Impact of Medicaid on the Rural Health Care Landscape
The Critical Role of Medicaid in Addressing Maternal Health Disparities
How Medicaid Can Better Support Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Navigating Medicaid can be daunting, especially when an individual or family member has complex needs. This challenge is compounded when siloed state agencies have poor communication, which can prevent individuals and families from receiving coordinated services that meet their needs. This episode of the Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast shares the story of Mark Butler, parent advocate and OhioRISE Advisory Council member. Mark shares how he is working with Ohio Medicaid to break down silos and improve communication across state agencies serving families, especially those who have complex needs.
The episode is hosted by Jami Snyder, former Arizona and Texas Medicaid director and president and CEO, JSN Strategies. The Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast explores priority topics for Medicaid leaders. It is developed in partnership by the National Association of Medicaid Directors and the Center for Health Care Strategies through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
You can listen to the podcast here.
The Medicaid Leadership Exchange podcast explores priority topics for Medicaid leaders. It is developed in partnership by National Association of Medicaid Directors and CHCS through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Related resources
How Medicaid Can Better Support Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Toward a Medicaid where nothing is lost in translation
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