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NAMD Provides Feedback to Congress on Children with Special Health Care Needs, Urging Focus on Existing Strategies and Pathways
In 2015, NAMD provided feedback to Congress on the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act, noting its duplication of existing Medicaid authorities and encouraging Congress to focus on existing strategies and pathways to support this population.
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In 2015, House lawmakers introduced the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act. NAMD provided input on this legislation, calling out its duplication of existing Medicaid authorities and the potential for creating new complexity and disruptions for this vulnerable population. NAMD encouraged Congress to instead focus on using existing pathways, encourage more value-based payment arrangements, and streamline provide enrollment across state lines. NAMD’s letter to the Senate can be found here, and letter to the House can be found here.
Related resources
Strengthening Systems Serving Older Adults: NAMD’s Comments on ACL’s National Plan on Aging
How Medicaid Can Better Support Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs
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