Letter ·
NAMD Highlights Impact of 21st Century Cures on Medicaid
In April 2015, NAMD provided input on the draft 21st Century Cures legislation to House lawmakers including challenges the draft legislation would present for Medicaid programs across the country.
In April 2015, NAMD provided input on the draft 21st Century Cures legislation to House lawmakers. The letter highlights the existing challenges in Medicaid reimbursement for high-cost specialty and curative therapies, more of which would be brought to market under the proposed law. NAMD recommends Congress modernize Medicaid’s reimbursement tools to match its emphasis on drug therapy innovation.
Related resources
NAMD Comments on Proposed Rule that Would Require Medicaid Coverage of Anti-Obesity Medications
Breaking the Bottleneck: Modernizing Medicaid Drug Access in the Million Dollar Therapy Era
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