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Podcast ·

Developing Medicaid Agency Executive Teams

Episode three, season one of the Medicaid Leadership Exchange Podcast explores how Medicaid Directors can develop their senior team. 

A highly-functioning executive team is an invaluable asset to a Medicaid director. But highly-functioning teams don’t just happen by magic. It takes effort and a conscious commitment to identify the right mix of skills, expertise, responsibilities, and personalities. Join Gretchen Hammer, MPH, former Colorado Medicaid director and senior strategic advisor for the National Association of Medicaid Directors; Stephanie Muth, MPA, Texas Medicaid director; and Mark Larson, former Vermont Medicaid director and senior vice president of leadership and capacity building at the Center for Health Care Strategies, as they share insights from their work about what can help make an executive team work within a Medicaid agency.

Listen to the episode here.

Medicaid Leadership Exchange is a podcast series exploring priority topics for Medicaid leaders developed in partnership with the National Association of Medicaid Directors and the Center for Health Care Strategies through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Visit Medicaid Leadership Exchange for additional episodes.

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