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COVID Resources

COVID Resources

· Dawn Cutler-Tran

Like all parts of the health care sector, COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Medicaid program, creating changes and challenges that we reverberate for years to come.

Medicaid Forward: Long-Term Services and Supports

Medicaid Forward: Long-Term Services and Supports

· Lindsey Browning

Medicaid Forward: Long-term Services and Supports focuses on four immediate opportunities to shift long-term care, in a report and webinar.
Driving and Delivering Results

Driving and Delivering Results

· Dawn Cutler-Tran

Ultimately, public sector leaders should demonstrate that they can drive change and improve health outcomes by leading innovation, measuring performance, balancing organizational perspectives, and appropriately managing the work.

Practicing Good Public Administration

Practicing Good Public Administration

· Dawn Cutler-Tran

Public sector leadership requires unique skills in order to effectively navigate the political and bureaucratic state landscapes. Skills necessary to this area of leadership development include increased business acumen; managing resources, change, and decision making as well as stakeholder engagement.

Personal Leadership and Self-Management

Personal Leadership and Self-Management

· Dawn Cutler-Tran

Growth is essential for supporting leadership development. But that leadership and personal growth often requires strategic investments of time and resources. Leadership growth also requires the effort to build resiliency and the commitment to open feedback and technical learning.

Data and Systems

Data and Systems

· Dawn Cutler-Tran

One key to managing the complexity and size of a Medicaid program is the development and implementation of sound data systems that support critical feedback loops for program budget as well as health care outcome tracking.

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