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Report ·

The Role of State Medicaid Programs in Improving the Value of the Health Care System

This report – released in partnership between NAMD and Bailit Health Purchasing, and with the support of The Commonwealth Fund – provides an overview of Medicaid’s critical work to design and implement value-based purchasing models in the U.S. health care system.

This report – released in partnership between NAMD and Bailit Health Purchasing, and with the support of The Commonwealth Fund – provides an overview of Medicaid’s critical work to design and implement value-based purchasing models in the U.S. health care system. Specifically, it explores Medicaid’s path to transform provider payment away from the traditional fee-for-service system into alternative models that reward high-value services. In an examination of 34 states, it finds that nearly two-thirds of the states participating in the study implemented or are planning state-designed programs to transform payment at the provider level.

Related resources

NAMD Highlights Opportunities to Strengthen Behavioral Health in Response to Senate Finance Request


NAMD Highlights Opportunities to Strengthen Behavioral Health in Response to Senate Finance Request

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/Adult Medicaid Members and Expansion Populations, Adults with Complex Health and Social Needs, Behavioral Health Integration, Benefits Resources, Child and Family Health, Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, Quality and Access to Care

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