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NAMD Board of Directors names association’s next executive director 


Oct. 17, 2022

Contact: Dianne Hasselman, 202.489.9670

NAMD Board of Directors names association’s next executive director

(Washington, D.C. Oct. 17, 2022) –– The National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD), a bipartisan, nonprofit, professional organization that represents leaders of state Medicaid agencies across the country and the nation’s territories, today named Kate McEvoy as its next executive director following a national search. McEvoy will take the association’s helm in January 2023.

The association’s board of directors voted unanimously to appoint McEvoy the second executive director of the decade-old organization. McEvoy succeeds Matt Salo, who founded the organization.

“We are thrilled to have someone of Kate’s caliber and deep experience leading the association,” said NAMD Board President Allison Taylor, who is Indiana’s Medicaid Director. “Following the pandemic, Medicaid is at a critical juncture and our association needs a strong champion to help Medicaid Directors shape their future. We’re confident that Kate is the right person to lead in that effort on behalf of all states, DC and territories.”

McEvoy will take over the association at a time when Medicaid programs across the country are anticipated to be launching efforts to redetermine eligibility for every individual currently using the program as the national health emergency ends. Medicaid users have grown to their largest numbers ever with more than 89 million Americans using the program to access the health care they need.

“This moment in the life of the Medicaid program couldn’t be more important. I am honored to be selected to help amplify the voices and recognize the leadership of the amazing group of professionals who serve millions in their states through Medicaid,” McEvoy said of her appointment. “The association’s role in supporting Medicaid leaders has never been more important and I look forward to working with them to craft a vision for the future of the association and the Medicaid program.”

Currently, McEvoy leads the Milbank Memorial Fund’s work in support of state executive branch staff and policymakers and guides its work on healthy aging. Prior to joining that organization, she was the Medicaid Director for Connecticut’s Department of Social Services, where she oversaw delivery and payment reform for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and long-term services and supports. During this time, she served as president and vice president of NAMD’s Board of Directors. Previous to her health directorship in Connecticut, she contributed to state health reform efforts at the Office of the State Comptroller, which oversees state employee benefits.

An elder law attorney by training, Kate’s early career was dedicated to working with and for older adults and people with disabilities at the Connecticut Association of Area Agencies on Aging. She also served as a past chair of the Elder Law Section of the Connecticut Bar Association and on the Steering Committee of the Reforming States Group. Kate holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Connecticut School of Law and a B.A. in English and Economics from Oberlin College.

About the National Association of Medicaid Directors

The National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) is a bipartisan, nonprofit, professional organization representing leaders of state Medicaid agencies across the country. NAMD supports Medicaid Directors in administering the program in cost-effective, efficient, and visionary ways that enable the over 89 million Americans served by Medicaid to achieve their best health and to thrive in their communities. NAMD does this by offering programs for Medicaid Directors, elevating the consensus issues of Directors in the federal policy process, and serving as the trusted source for data and information about Directors. Learn more at and follow NAMD on Twitter @statemedicaid.

You can download the full press release here.

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