Quality and Access to Care
Quality and Access to Care
Quality of care, not quantity, is the benchmark against which all health care delivery should be assessed. Medicaid programs across the country are making strides at implementing programs that consider quality as well as access to care.

In May 2018, NAMD provided comments supporting a variety of proposed changes to the fee-for-service access monitoring framework,...
NAMD Provides Feedback to Congress on Children with Special Health Care Needs, Urging Focus on Existing Strategies and Pathways
In 2015, NAMD provided feedback to Congress on the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act, noting its duplication...
NAMD Responds to Medicaid Access Request for Information
In January 2016, NAMD submitted comments providing key considerations around Medicaid access monitoring measures.
NAMD Comments on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s Final Access Rule
In January 2016, NAMD submitted comments on the finalized rule on ensuring access to Medicaid covered services in...
NAMD Comments on State Standards for Access to Care in Medicaid Managed Care
In October 2014, NAMD sent a letter to the Office of the Inspector General and the Centers for...