Want to understand the story of Medicaid?
Data points to bookmark to broaden and deepen your view of the Medicaid program and its impact
- Michele Ames
Focus Areas
Program Stream
We all know Medicaid and its value is an innately human story about the lives of individuals supported and transformed by access to the health care they need when they need it. But data points can help give greater form and overall impact to that inherently human story.
Here’s a list of the top data sources from national experts in the space.
- Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard : 2023 version will be released in December and will be available on
- DQ (Data Quality) Atlas: Includes data quality information that supports insightful, methodologically sound analyses using the T-MSIS Analytic Files (TAF) Research Identifiable Files (RIF)
- Access datasets : Open data from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program
- MACStats: MACPAC’s data book on Medicaid and CHIP
- MACPAC and MedPAC: Data book on dually eligible beneficiaries
- CMS-64 expenditure reports: Documented Medicaid expenditures not on the data.medicaid.gov portal
- KFF’s State Health Facts: Provides up-to-date health data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States on more than 800 health indicators (including over 150 Medicaid/CHIP indicators). State data and Medicaid and CHIP data
- Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker: Includes data on Medicaid renewal outcomes during the unwinding of the continuous enrollment provision and current Medicaid enrollment.
- Medicaid State Fact Sheets: Provide quick facts on each state’s Medicaid program in a 2-page printable format.
You can also learn more from MACPAC and CMCS about what’s available on their particular platforms.
Check out an overview of the CMS Scorecard
Learn more about what you can find in the MACPAC data
Read more analysis about who Medicaid serves from NAMD
Related resources
Strengthening Systems Serving Older Adults: NAMD’s Comments on ACL’s National Plan on Aging
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