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Letter ·

NAMD Responds to CMS’s Request for Comments on Mental Health Parity Compliance

On December 4, NAMD formally commented on CMS’s request for comments on mental health parity compliance in Medicaid managed care.

On December 4, NAMD formally commented on CMS’s request for comments on mental health parity compliance in Medicaid managed care.

Medicaid Directors are strongly committed to ensuring access to mental health and substance use services. However, current processes for assessing compliance with parity requirements are ineffective, confusing, and burdensome. CMS should clarify and streamline these processes, including by providing technical assistance, templates, and model language. CMS should provide clarity on federal expectations around non-quantitative treatment limitations (NQTLs), including around which and how many NQTLs should be assessed.

You can find our full comments here.

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