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Report ·

FY2020 Annual Report

This FY2020 Annual Report explores the activities and accomplishments of NAMD from July 2019 through July 2020.


When we set out to write this annual report, we had barely entered the COVID-19 pandemic and were thinking, like many, that it would only be a piece of our work for the year. We were excited to showcase our many in-person gatherings which bring together Medicaid Directors and their teams to connect and learn about topics such as leadership development, managed care best practices, quality measurement, financial management strategies, and more. We were also excited to highlight some of our new programming efforts, such as our first annual U.S. Territories Survey and our new Framework for Public Sector Leadership. These programs are still very much worth celebrating, and we highlight them throughout this report.

However, like you, and indeed the rest of the world, we have had to dramatically shift our activities to respond to the pandemic and the immediate, sharp economic downturn. We have also begun the long overdue work of examining and seeking solutions to the crisis of racial disparities in health care and the fact that communities of color are being disproportionately hit by both the pandemic and the financial downturn. These shifts not only consumed the final quarter of FY2020, they now shape all our programming for the foreseeable future.

Download NAMD’s FY2020 Annual Report above.

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