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· Dawn Cutler-Tran

Jack Rollins, Director of Federal Policy at NAMD, Discussed Medicaid Outreach During the Unwinding with the Kaiser Family Foundation 

Jack Rollins, director of federal policy at NAMD, discussed Medicaid outreach during the unwinding with the Kaiser Family Foundation.

“States will give Medicaid recipients at least 60 days to respond to requests for information before dropping them, said Jack Rollins, director of federal policy at the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

States will use government databases such as those from the IRS and Social Security Administration to check enrollees’ income eligibility so they can renew some people’s coverage automatically without having to contact them. But some states aren’t taking full advantage of the databases.

States have until February to submit their unwinding plans to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which will monitor the process.”

You can read the whole article here.

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