In the News
This page of the website houses news items and announcements from NAMD as well as news articles featuring NAMD staff members and data.
ASTHO and NAMD Call on Congress to Fully Fund Medicaid and CHIP in U.S. Territories
State waivers hit snag at CMS
NAMD elevates challenges with critical 1115 waivers that drive innovation in Medicaid.
Kansas Medicaid Wins National Spotlight Award for Exceptional Adaptability During Unwinding
Arizona Medicaid Wins National Spotlight Award for Excellence in Member Communication During Unwinding
North Carolina Medicaid Receives National Spotlight Award for Community-Centered Approach to Unwinding and Expansion
Congress must act to advance innovation in Medicaid
NAMD's Kate McEvoy lays out the case for improving the 1115 waiver system, the seat of innovation allowing Medicaid programs...
Medicaid and new anti-obesity medication
NAMD explores the connections between new obesity medications and the millions served by Medicaid with reporters from VeryWellHealth.