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Report ·

4th Annual Operations Survey FY2014

NAMD’s Fourth Annual Operations Survey, offering a window into the nation’s Medicaid programs at the 50th anniversary of the program. The survey results demonstrate the variety and the coherence among the 56 Medicaid programs, and exemplify the changing job of “Medicaid Director” in the 50 states, the District of Colombia, and the 5 territories. Medicaid is the nation’s health care safety net and its largest insurance program. The Operations Survey provides unique insight into how Medicaid Directors are managing increasingly sophisticated programs and driving system reform amid funding and staff constraints, and how they navigate the myriad stakeholders to build consensus and drive improvement.

The National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) undertakes this annual survey to help answer some key questions on how Medicaid operates and how Medicaid Directors can and will address the many challenges they face. We use the results to inform our efforts to support and advise Medicaid Directors, and to strengthen general understanding of the current and future Medicaid program.

Our members use the information to assess their own programs and to network with their colleagues about common challenges and potential solutions. For the broader Medicaid community, we hope this report informs efforts to support Directors on our mutual goals of Medicaid-driven innovation, quality improvement, and program reform.

Seeking to capture the complexity and experience of their responsibilities this year, NAMD surveyed Medicaid Directors across the country. This report demonstrates the latest dimensions of the Medicaid program, including the position of the Medicaid Director and agency, their roles and responsibilities, agency priorities, and innovations of this past year.

Download the full report above.

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