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NAMD Comments on Proposed Changes to Federal Data Services Hub

On January 8, NAMD formally commented on CMS’s ACA Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2025, which includes proposed changes to income and resource disregards and to the Federal Data Services Hub’s Verify Current Income function.

Program Stream

On January 8, NAMD formally commented on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2025, which included two proposed changes that would impact Medicaid programs.

First, the rule proposes to allow Medicaid agencies to target income and resource disregards to specific populations within non-MAGI eligibility groups. NAMD strongly supports this proposed change, which would allow Medicaid agencies to better tailor care. Second, CMS proposes to transition the Verify Current Income service on the Federal Data Services Hub to a Medicaid-claimable service, beginning on July 1, 2024. This change would have significant fiscal impacts on Medicaid agencies and may act as a barrier to the Administration’s goals around streamlining Medicaid eligibility processes.

You can read NAMD’s comments here.

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