
The NAMD Alumni Network is made up of former Medicaid Directors, no longer in state service. This page houses information about the Network.

If you have not already, consider signing up for the NAMD Fall Conference here.

Learn More

Learn More

Alumni members share a long-lasting affinity for their time leading a state or territorial Medicaid agency and through the network, continue to nurture professional connections in and outside of Medicaid. Alums are keenly interested in the ongoing impact, effectiveness, and regard for the Medicaid program. Find out what programming is offered to Alumni through the Alumni Network.

Get Engaged

Get Engaged

You can join the NAMD Alumni Network here

Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

This policy covers all NAMD Alumni Network members in good standing. Membership criteria restrict participation to former state or territorial Medicaid Directors who served in a confirmed (not interim) capacity for any number of years.  Since the Alumni Network does not have a governance structure, this policy is universally applied to all members and renewed annually.

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